Lancaster University Speleological Society -Newsletter
October/November 1995
First Trip Of The Year - Long Churn
Long Churn is a much visited underground stream way in the Yorkshire
dales. It is adjacent to the much more famous Alum Pot a marvelous open
shaft on Sellside.
Buried in precautionary thermals, waterproofs, and head gear we stomped
into the cave. After wading and bridging our way through Upper Long
Churn we reached Dr. Bannisters Hand Basin a large polo with a
waterfall. Using a rope we climbed the waterfall out to the surface for
a look around. Everyone in the group easily made the climb.
Returning to the cave we made our way back through the waterfall and
pool and carried on to Lower Long Churn. Here several deep pools have
to be negotiated. This involves climbing around or wading through,
whichever is to your taste. Eventually we reached The Cheese
Press (see the picture) where everyone experienced the smaller
aspects of caving.
On returning to the surface hot beverages we wating for all, and the
day was rounded off with fish and chips in Ingleton followed by a pint
of Dent in the New Inn in Clapham.
[TEXT: Sean Butler] [PHOTO: Sean Collins - Mike Dollenger In The Cheese Press, Lower Long Churn]
Upcoming Events
Tuesday 31st October 1995
Bob Mackin has kindly agreed to talk to us, giving us a talk and slide show on
caving a cave dig in the Yorkshire Dales! Bob is the inventor of the
Mole Phone (a form of cave communications used regularly in
rescue), and recently appeared on the Cutting Edge TV program. Meet in
Lonsdale bar at 8:00pm before adjourning to the nearby Lonsdale Small Lecture Theatre.
The talk will begin at about 8:30. See you there!
Thursday 9th November 1995
An Ice skating trip has been arranged in Blackburn the cost of
Transport will be at most £3 and the cost of the actual skating is
approx £3.50 (including skate hire). Sign up at a meeting or on the
notice board.
Weekend in the Dales camping or staying in bunk house!!
Signing Up For Saturday Trips
Slightly fewer people signed up on Tuesdays meeting for the trip this
Saturday. We must point out that with large numbers of people wanting
to go on trips then people must sign up at the meetings if we are to
arrange transport for everyone. So pop along and get your name down.
[TEXT: Sean Butler]
Yellow Suits For Sale
All those people who came on the first trip of the term will be
familiar with the yellow suits which LUSS leant out to people. One or
two people have expressed an interest in buying one for themselves.
Two of the members form last year have been using these suits for a
little (Tony Chalder & Stu Fraser) while and both think they are good.
They are not as hard wearing as the expensive (£89.00) TSA over-suits,
but because they are so cheap they appear to represent excellent value
for money.
The suits come in four sizes S, M, L, XL. However they seem to be
unsiutable for extremely small people. Despite this if you would like
to purchase one then contact the chairman (Sean Butler) either at a
meeting or on extension x3087. [TEXT: Sean Butler]
Caving On The Internet
The internet is a vastly overrated network of computers that
journalists have recently found about. Despite what is said in the
national press about it every day it does have some redeeming features.
The university gives out email accounts to students on request. The
computer center (ISS) has documents on how to use it. Get yourself an
email account!
LUSS is on the internet and has been for quite a few years. Our email
address can be seen at the bottom of this newsletter. Other members of
the society also have e-mail addresses if you have one and would like
to keep in touch electronically rather than on paper (Its cheaper and
greener!) then email us and we will add you to the LUSS mailing list.
World Wide Web
The World Wide Web (WWW) is a new addition to the internet. It is
essentially a collection of multimedia (text/images/movies/sound) pages
which can be accessed from any of the universities computers, using
Netscape (on PC/Mac) or Mosaic (on the Symmetry). LUSS has been
maintaining some WWW pages for the last two years. You can access them
from a PC running Netscape starting from the University Home Page,
Click On "Recreation And Travel", then click on "Lancaster University
Speleological Society". This newsletter can be found there along with
much more caving related information, and links to caving pages from
other clubs/organisations across the world. A review of our pages can
be found in the last issue of Descent!
Again its your club, so if you want to contribute, get in touch and all
things can be arranged. For the initiated the URL is [TEXT: Sean Butler]
Aren't reading what you want to read? Sounds like shite? Wanna' write some
suff of your own? GET PUBLISHED (on the web)!!. We're looking for articles
to stick in this leading publication. If you think you have something to say
then "LUSS-Newsletter" is after text to publish. "LUSS-Newsletter" needs you!!!
The best way of submitting material is to mail to the LUSS account: Be sure to keep a copy of your
submissions as they may get "misplaced" by the LUSS account mail eater. [TEXT: Jim Mann]
Days out...
Luss doesn't just go caving, we do do other things as well. How about
Bowling, or Zapp-Zone, or a Curry. Anything really. If you have an idea
for anything then ASK PEOPLE at the LUSS meeting, if there appears to
be sufficient interest then sort out a date, write up a signing on
list, pass it around the meeting and pin it on the Notice Board. Don't
forget to tell "LUSS- Newsletter" for World Wide Publication.[TEXT:
Jim Mann]
Anyway, dont forget to come along on Tuesday Evenings In
Lonsdale Bar On Campus. Also Keep An Eye On That Notice Board In
Bowland Foyer For More Information.