Lancaster University Speleological Society -Newsletter

November 1996.

The Executive.

  • Chairman. Phil Walker
  • Safety/Training Officer. Neil Turton
  • Treasurer. Geoff Beaumont
  • Secretary. Sean Collins
  • Equipment Officer. Derek Cousins


    Well the first term is nearly over and as usual the interest in caving has dwindled. Around 26 people went on the first trip, to currently around 6 active members. However, unlike last year, this has not really been due to the difficulty of the caving but rather the problem that LUSS, as a club, is encountering at the moment; lack of transport, funds etc..

    Hopefully this newsletter may generate a bit more interest by showing members and prospective members what LUSS has been up to, plans for the future and to dispel the myth that we are all social in-adequates.


    The club meets in LONSDALE BAR every Tuesday at 8.00pm. Out of term time or if the bar is closed we meet at the BROWN COW (nr Penny Bank) in town. Also if you are in town on a Friday night we can sometimes be found in the Brown Cow or the John O'Gaunt.

    The Notice Board is in Bowland College Foyer, next to the snooker room, giving details of forthcoming trips and events. If you want to get in touch with us leave a note on the board or ring one of the executive.

    Clapdale House.

    Neil is currently trying to organise the leasing of Clapdale House back to the use of LUSS. If all goes well we will have a fantastic club hut that you will all be entitled to use, as members of LUSS. It means we can spend the weekends on the slopes of Ingleborough with in easy reach of caves with the comforts of a caving hut with all necessary facilities. It will also enable us to accommodate other clubs and hopefully earn some money.

    World Wide Web.

    LUSS has its own web page at:

    which earned us praise in Descent. However other clubs have nicked our ideas and are fast catching up. Currently the expedition section is being created with over 25 years of information been entered. Its a long process and we would gladly accept assistance; typing, scanning or programming. If you are interested talk to Phil or Derek.

    Ireland '97.

    There is a 10 day trip to County Clare leaving on the 27th December until the 5th January. The cost will be around £80 which includes transport, ferry and accommodation. The trip is open to everyone and non-cavers are welcome. We will be joined by approx. 6 SWCC cavers and we will celebrate the New Year in style. If you are interested see Phil within the next two weeks with a deposit.

    South Wales.

    Leaving on the 5th December until the 8th December this will be a good weekend staying at the SWCC bunkhouse within easy reach of the main cave systems. The cost will be £25 (dependent on numbers) which will include transport and accommodation. Again see Phil or put your name on the notice board.


    If you are still interested in coming caving please come along to the meetings so that we can arrange basic training. Otherwise if you turn up later on in the year you will find that you will not be able to handle some of the trips. Basic training is nothing too hard, it just involves learning calls and climbing ladders. Then if you do get more interested we can arrange abseiling and SRT practice.


    This is only meant as a brief letter to try and encourage a bit more interest. If you want to find out more about what you have been missing come along to the meetings and read the log book.

    Also if someone wants to help put together a proper newsletter, perhaps leading to a Journal (including the expedition write ups) please help me out because I am tired of this shit.
    Lancaster University Speleological Society,
    34 Williamson Road, Freehold, Lancaster.