Society Of Lancaster University Graduate Speleologists

Cervinia Feb 2015

Thanks to John for organizing a successful ski trip to Cervinia in Italy.

The dominant feature in the area is the Matterhorn, (called Cervino in Italian) which can be viewed from all angles because the lift pass allows trips into Zermatt for the classic Toblerone view.

A good time was had socially and plenty of enjoyable and scenic skiing was done on and off the piste. Eleven slugs attended and skied every day despite the weather being less than helpful except on the last fantastic day.

From the photos you can see that at the end of a hard day’s skiing rehydration was important. Hotel des Guides proved very accommodating for this and we tended to congregate in the same area at the end of each afternoon to carry out this essential task, swap stories, and to watch Kevin's hot-off-the-memory-card videos.

Why don’t you come along next year?

Copyright: Slugs Inc

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